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If You Move Slowly and Squint…

©2012 Leslie Noe Photography

One thing we’re not encouraged to do, as photography students, is shoot out of focus. There’s a very good reason for this. As humans, our visual perception requires focus. Our brain craves it and searches for it when we offer something visual for consumption. So when focus is removed our eyes don’t know where to settle, don’t understand the meaning. But sometimes there is no meaning. Sometimes it’s just enough to offer a beautiful composition of light and color. That’s what I’ve done here, and in some others not quite as successful.

In Charleston, downtown, there are lots of walkways shaded by overhanging branches, which bring relief from the afternoon sun. I love walking down these green walkways with the dappled light playing on the brick walls and slate footpaths. Last time I was walking, I realized I spend half my time looking up—at the blue sky in patterns against the leaves. So I squinted and took a photo that mimicked my view. I love it, but I can understand why it’s not for everyone. There is no focal point.

Plucky Note Cards Redux

The Plucky Knitter note cards ©2012 Noe

Sorry for the long absence but it will be a bit longer before I have a new blog post about my creative photography. I’m busy filling orders for note cards and postcards of my yarn photos! Never underestimate the strong sorority that is the knitting community. Color, texture, skill…and it all adds up to talent from beginning to end. So, I will be taking photos this weekend, fulfilling orders early next week and we’ll see what the rest of the week brings. My goal is location. I’ll give you a hint: it’s historic, ruined and beautiful.